Jenn Can Help You...

Journey from fear to courage

✶ Walk through life with more confidence and creative chutzpah

✶ Use joy as a compass to make dreams real

Presented at...

Jenn Baljko has used her intuition, perseverance, and wonder to manifest and achieve big goals.She can help you navigate fear, identify bold next-steps actions, and build emotional resilience needed to succeed.

Jenn has transitioned out of corporate jobs to be a solopreneur a couple times over. She ran four marathons and many half marathons. She created a life abroad, traveled to 50+ countries, and speaks several languages. And, yes, she slow-walked across Asia and Europe in 3.5 years.

In a world that is on constant hyperdrive, we lose ourselves in the routine of everyday life and give up our audacious goals and ability to follow through with the integrity to make them real. We get stuck in fear and exhaust ourselves with old models of courage.

Jenn guides perspective-shifting conversations and holds space for releasing the emotional heaviness we carry when fear constrains us. Through what she calls creativity intervals of intuitive movement, body-calming meditation, and mindful writing, Jenn helps people release the fear, anger, and worry that keeps them in a rut and reignites the awe and curiosity that makes us all feel fierce, fun, and fantastic.

Again,....deep gratitude dear Jenn.

Your sparkly essence and earnest desire to

learn and share with others, comes through

loud and clear....keep doing that!!!


When you join an event hosted and/or led by Jennifer Baljko, you are getting into a

world of creativity and surprise. It is always an enchanting and nourishing trip that

takes you out of your comfort zone and into a safe and magical place. You are

bound to come out of it joyful and inspired. Thank you for being you and for

sharing your gifts Jenn.

Celine, mindfulness, embodiment, and movement mentor

Following the Cosmic Breadcrumbs

On her 25th birthday, Jenn Baljko left New Jersey, drove across the United States, and completely started over from scratch in the San Francisco Bay Area.

At 31 years old, after a heart-breaking divorce, she put everything she owned in storage, sold her car, quit her job as a senior editor at a Silicon Valley magazine, and went on her first solo, six-month backpacking trip around Europe. She serendipitously met Lluís on that trip in the middle of a Barcelona square packed with more than 10,000 people during the city’s festival.

In 2006, she pivoted again, and landed in Barcelona, choosing to build a life with Lluís and developing the cultural acumen she needed to backpack through the world with him and by herself. She practice the digital nomad lifestyle before we had those words to describe this now-popular trend.

On her 44th birthday, in 2016, Jenn and Lluís walked out of Bangkok, Thailand and started their long foot journey home, crossing 21 nation states to reach Barcelona, Catalonia. A documentary about this amazing adventure was featured at eight international film festivals and is making its way to broader audiences globally.

During the pandemic, which occurred eight months after finishing the walk, Jenn began her newest entrepreneurial endeavor, founding Always On My Way as a way to help women make midlife magical. She also mentors aspiring writers who want to write memoirs, produced three global online summits, led a collaborative book project in 2023, and is publishing again in June 2024. 

Yeah…she knows a thing or two about greeting life and saying HELL YES! to its invitations. :-)

Key Talking Points

✦ Teamwork and creative problem-solving

✦ Kindness in unexpected ways and unexpected places

✦ Endurance, perseverance, and resilience

✦ Wanderlust and checking off your bucket list

✦ Sacrifices to achieve a big goal

✦ Stretching beyond your comfort zone

✦ Taking measured risks and creating space for serendipity

✦ Diving into the unknown and making life Joy Journey

✦ Being open to life’s invitations and knowing when to dare yourself to say YES!

✦ Creating a path forward through unchartered territories with care, courage, and confidence

Contact Jenn

If you would like to…

⟡ Invite Jenn to speak to your team, guide a virtual or in-person workshop, or be a guest at your conference or on your podcast…

⟡ Screen the Bangkok Barcelona On Foot documentary and/or host Lluís and Jenn at a Q&A session with your organization…

⟡ Have Jenn lead a book or walk-related conversation about how we walk the spiral path of fear, courage, and confidence…

⟡ Purchase autographed copies of The In Between or Fierce Awakenings…

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Author ✦ Mentor ✦ Editor ✦ Speaker ✦ Walker

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