My Clients' Books

I mentor aspiring authors who are ready to write their memoirs and nonfiction books.

I have Mindful Writing Mentees in every stage of book creation, from the beginning steps of organizing their ideas to polishing the latest draft and pitching publishers.

I also work as a developmental editor on completed manuscripts. Some of my editing clients have had big wins on Amazon, taking top rankings in their categories.

I am particularly proud of the editing role I played in the Becoming an Exceptional Leader series created by the amazing and inspiring Mai Ling Chan, one of my dearest college friends. Mai Ling unified disability changemakers across several sectors and championed their important, but often unheard, stories.

Becoming an Exceptional Leader

Inspiration from 14 Accomplished Disability Changemakers

Becoming an Exceptional AAC Leader

Inspiration from 15 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Champions

Becoming an Exceptional SLP Leader

14 Speech-Language Pathologists Do More Than Talk

Author ✦ Mentor ✦ Editor ✦ Speaker ✦ Walker

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